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Tuesday, June 19, 2012 @
6/19/2012 06:07:00 PM #4.1 ALIVE BIGBANG poster - $10 for one , two and above @ $8 ( LEFT 3 ONLY) #4.2 BIGBANG poster - $10 ( LEFT ONLY 1 ) #4.3 2AM Poster - $5 Instock #3 Dresses
#3.1 Polka dots dress - $10 (BRAND NEW) #3.2 Black collar dress with pockets at the side - $8 #3.3 Alphabets half sleeveless dress - $10 (BRAND NEW) #3.4 Jumpers(white tanktop included) - $15 (BRAND NEW) #3.5 Yellow stripe dress - $10 (BRAND NEW) #3.6 Polka dot dress - $10 (BRAND NEW) #3.7 Pink long dress (Can be wore as a dress or a tube dress)- $15(BRAND NEW) Instock #2 Bagpacks&Wallets
#2.1 Black and grey polka dots bagpack - $10 (Used but no tears) #2.2 Union Ring wallet - $25 (BRAND NEW) Instock #1 Soft toys.
#1.1 Winnie the pooh - $8 #1.2 Piglet - $8 #1.3 Puppy - $8 Officially opened.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010 @
6/22/2010 11:26:00 PM
This blogshop is officially opened @ 23June2010.
We are looking for supplier do mail us @ :D Books If you're interested in buying low kay hwa's book , One low kay hwa's book is @ about $16.90. If you're interested, Im selling lowkayhwa's books @ only $12 each as it's second-hand. This book is out at 2007, (Identity) A Photogenic Life, i think this book is really nice. This book is about a girl called Linda Lim, she have a friend called Tan Chew Ling(Have some serious sickness) More about it @ HERE "Why are we always trying to impress everyone around us?" "Maybe it's not how the world looks at you, but how you look at the world" "Dear Diary, Why must i always wear different masks wherever i go? I am so sick and tired of my life. Who can help me tear away these masks of mine that are lingering in my skin? Why must i play the role of a strong daughter in front of my parents, a smart student in front of my teachers and a contented girl in front of my classmates? Why must i keep on telling everyone around me that i am the best, by putting on the multiple masks of disguise for different people? This afternoon, i looked into the mirrow and realized that i could no longer recognize myself. My reflection was of a faceless girl, awaiting the next mask to be placed on. Why are we always trying to post for the best posture for the camera, when we know we can never change " (You can buy it @ Vivo City/Plaza Singapura's Toy Outpost.) Plaza sing; Level 7. This is LowKayHwa's 2nd book, out at 2005. (Belief) It's about a girl called Joanna Fung. I think all of lowkayhwa's fan that read his book will think this is his best book :). A real story that touchs. Read it at HERE!!!!!!! Destiny Cries, (Sacrifices) This book is LowKayHwa's 1st book. "Dear Destiny, By the time you're reading this letter, i would have already become a star, one of those that you see during those endless nights" "Who will really die for the person you really love?" "WISH LIST BEFORE I MEET MUM. 1)Find and experience TRUE LOVE. 2) Have a romantic birthday dinner with my loved one. 3)A love letter dropping from the sky, specially for me. Someone to take all my sorrows away. Die witha piece of a memory of TRUE LOVE. Completing this diary." Read it @ HERE! "Lilith"(FAIRNESS) But you can read the trailer @ HERE! “How will you fight back the unfairness bestowed onto you?” " In the oxford school dictionary, "Justice" is defined as "Being just: fair treatment". Bullshit. In my dictionary, Justice is not about giving that terrorist the death sentence. In my dictionary, Justice is not about jailing that rapist. In my dictionary, Justice is nor about punishing that boy who bullied the girl. In my dictionary, Justice is about fighting for yourself:Just yourself. In my world, Lady Justice doesn't do her job; I do her job. If im born as a deer, i will hunt and kill tigers. If i am born into a poor family, i will rob the wealthy of their riches. If i am born without legs, i will break everyone's leg. If i am born hearing impaired, i will slive off everyone's ear. That is justics. My name is Lilith Ng and I am HIV-positive. " To forget you.(MEMORIES) What if you are forced to forget your true love And mostly people says Lowkayhwa's "IBelieveYou,ToforgetYou and YouAreHere" is the top 3 best. Read trailer @ HERE! You are here. The man wants to smile at the boy. He wishes to be the boy. Just a few days ago, he had been sued by a stranger in a pub. He had punched the stranger in the face when the stranger teased about his weird dressing. The man was sentenced to a year in jail. The man says nothing. If only he is the boy. Then he can do anything that he likes without a tingle of worry. The school and law will protect the underaged. The boy wants to smile at the man. He wishes to be the man.A few hours ago, the boy had punched a friend in the nose.The friend’s nose bled and the boy was asked to stand near the gates for two hours as punishment. The boy frowns. If only he is the man. Then he can do anything he likes without any teacher’s intervention. The man walks off, shaking his head. Freedom comes with a price, he thinks. The boy bows his head. He will do anything for freedom." Low Kay Hwa’s third novel, You Are Here, tells a bittersweet love story between a normal guy and a mentally-retarded girl. Their fifteen years old love story will touch every person’s heart! A popular book that has gone through four prints in less than three years, click on the link between to read the first sixteen chapters for free! Journey's @ Price is negotiate, anything leave a tag or a email :) |